The Happy Nap Company


when all else fails… take a nap


We believe in a good old fashioned nap around here- for both you and your pets.

Your furry loved ones should be able to nap with maximum comfort AND maximum cleanliness!

The Happy Nap Bed is specifically designed to be easily fit into a washing machine, not just the cover but the WHOLE bed! All you have to do is unzip where there would normally be a seam and the Happy Nap Bed easily collapses into a flat blanket that easily drops in the washer for a thorough cleaning through and through!

Now let’s get comfy & take a nap!


Extra comfy


Cats love the Happy Nap Bed

Easy to clean & maintain

The Journal


It is our mission is to honor, love, and nurture all pets with sustainable bedding solutions. Our comfortable, durable products are handmade with the highest levels of craftsmanship and quality materials as we strive to create quality products with passion and integrity.